Pressure - The existing gauge pressure plus atmospheric pressure measured from
absolute zero.
- A heat exchanger used for cooling air discharged from a compressor. Resulting
condensate may be removed by a moisture separator following the aftercooler.
Air Dryer -
A devise that removes moisture from compressed air. Typically accomplished by cooling the air
through a refrigerator or dessicant bed.
Area - The
surface exposed to the flow of a fluid.
Pressure - The measured ambient pressure for a specific location and altitude
in PSI (pounds per square inch).
Sequencer - A device which operates compressors in sequence according to a
programmed schedule.
Bar - A unit
of pressure One (1)bar = 14.5 PSI.
Capacity -
The amount of air flow delivered under specific conditions, usually expressed
in cubic feet per minute (CFM).
Check Valve
- A valve which permits flow in only one direction.
filter - A specific type of filter that not only works to remove dust and
particals from the air, but also oil from the air lines.
Efficiency - Ratio of the theoretical to the actual work required to compress
air. Takes into account slip leakage and frictional losses.
Ratio - The ratio of the discharge pressure to the inlet pressure.
Speed Control - A system in which the compressor is run continuously and
matches air supply to air demand by varying compressor load.
Cubic Feet
Per Minute (CFM) - The volume of air that is able to pass through an opening in
one minute.
Pressure - Respectively, the minimum and maximum discharge pressures at which
the compressor will switch from unload to load operation (cut in) or from load
to unload (cut out).
Cycle - The
series of steps that a compressor with unloading performs; 1) fully loaded, 2)
modulating (for compressors with modulating control), 3) unloaded, 4) idle.
Cycle Time -
Amount of time for a compressor to complete one cycle.
Desiccant -
A material having a large proportion of surface pores, capable of attracting
and removing water vapor from the air.
Dew Point -
The temperature at which moisture in the air will begin to condense if the air
is cooled at constant pressure. At this point the relative humidity is 100%.
Demand -
Flow of air at specific conditions required at a point or by the overall
Pressure - Air pressure produced at a particular point in the system under
specific conditions measured in PSI (pounds per square inch).
Temperature - The temperature at the discharge flange of the compressor.
Dessicant- A
material used with air compressors and air dryers that helps to remove water
vapor from the air.
Drain Cock- Used
to release accumulated moisture from the compressor tank (Also see drain valve)
Drain Valve-
A drain valve works to remove surplus liquid from the compressor. There are
manual, float and electronic types of drain valves.
Dryer- Compressor
tanks are made of steel, when water gets into the tank, the tank can rust thus
reducing the life of the compressor. A dryer dries the air in the tank,
reducing the amount of water collected.
Duty Cycle- Amount
of time that a compressor can operate at full load over a thirty minute
time period.
Filters -
Devices for separating and removing particulate matter, moisture or entrained
lubricant from air.
Efficiency- The rate of
which a filter can remove particles from an air flow.
Free Air -
Air at atmospheric conditions. Be careful with this term because altitude,
barometric pressure and temperature will vary. This term may not mean air at
identical conditions.
Full-Load -
Air compressor operation at full speed with a fully open inlet and discharge
delivering maximum air flow.
Gas - One of
the three basic phases of matter. While air is a gas, in pneumatics the term
gas normally is applied to gases other than air.
Pressure - The pressure determined by most instruments and gauges, usually
expressed in psig. Barometric pressure must be considered to obtain true or
absolute pressure (PSIG).
Gallons per hour.
Gallons per minute.
Brake - Horsepower delivered to the output shaft of a motor or engine, or the
horsepower required at the compressor shaft to perform work.
Relative - The relative humidity of a gas (or air) vapor mixture is the ratio
of the partial pressure of the vapor to the vapor saturation pressure at the
dry bulb temperature of the mixture.
Pressure - The actual pressure at the inlet flange of the compressor typically
measure in PSIG.
Temperature - Temperature at the inlet flange of the compressor or inlet
- The removal of heat from air or gas between compressor stages.
Pressure- Factory set low pressure point of the pressure switch that starts the
compressor to re-pressurize the tank to a higher pressure
Pressure- Factory set high pressure point of the pressure switch that stops the
compressor from increasing the pressure in the tank above a certain level
Leak - An
unintended loss of compressed air to ambient conditions.
Load Factor
- The ratio of the average actual compressor output to the maximum rated output
of the compressor for a defined period of time.
Load Time -
Time period from when a compressor loads until it unloads.
Control - Control method that allows the compressor to run at full-load or at
no load while the driver remains at a constant speed.
Control - System which adapts to varying demand by throttling the compressor
inlet proportionally to the demand.
Separator - A device designed to collect and remove moisture from the air during
the cooling process.
Compressors - Compressors having two or
more stages operating in series.
Oil free
compressor- Air compressor that has no oil inserted into the compression
chamber for lubrication, cooling or sealing. Typically used in the medical and
food processing field
Displacement - The volume swept by the piston; for multistage compressors, the
piston displacement of the first stage is the overall piston displacement of
the entire unit.
Point of use-
An outlet in a building used to connect tools or equipment to the air
compressor system.
Pressure -
Force per unit area, measured in pounds per square inch (PSI).
Pressure Dew
Point - For a given pressure, the temperature at which water will begin to
condense out of air.
Drop - Loss of pressure in a compressed air system or component due to friction
or restriction.
Range - Difference between minimum and maximum pressures for an air compressor.
Also called cut in-cut out or load-no load pressure range.
Switch- An instrument which senses a change in pressure and automatically adds
or decreases air in the tank.
PSID (P) -
Pounds per square inch differential.
Pounds per square inch gauge = PSIA minus atmospheric pressure (14.696).
Pounds Per
Square Inch (PSI)- A unit of measurement referring to the pressure applied on
one square inch of an object's surface.
Purging- The
elimination of undesired gas or liquid from a system
Receiver - A
vessel or tank used for storage of gas under pressure. In a large compressed
air system there may be primary and secondary receivers.
Compressor - Compressor in which the compressing element is a piston having a
reciprocating motion in a cylinder.
Humidity - The ratio of the partial pressure of a vapor to the vapor saturation
pressure at the dry bulb temperature of a mixture.
Rotary Screw
Compressor- A compressor which utilizes two intermeshing helical rotors to trap
a volume of air, then compress it to a higher pressure. Rotary screw
compressors can be run at lower temperatures for 24 hours per day, 365 days a
Safety valve-
A valve which limits fluid pressure by releasing some of the pressurized liquid
or gas. a.k.a. Pressure Relief Valve
gravity - The ratio of the specific weight of air or gas to that of dry air at
the same pressure and temperature.
Speed - The
speed of a compressor refers to the number of revolutions per minute (rpm) of
the compressor drive shaft or rotor shaft.
Unload - (No
load) Compressor operation in which no air is delivered due to the intake being
closed or modified not to allow inlet air to be trapped.
Horsepower - The power that is consumed to overcome the frictional losses when
operating in an unloaded condition.
Vacuum Pumps-
A vacuum pump is a compressor that operates with an intake pressure below
atmospheric and discharge pressure.
Valves -
Devices with passages for directing flow into alternate paths or to prevent flow.
A measure of the internal friction or the resistance of a fluid to flow. The
standard unit of measure is poise or SSU.
Efficiency - The ratio of the actual quantity of air delivered to the actual
capacity of the compressor.